Guide to Meteorite Rings

What is Meteorite

Meteorite rings are a unique and rare type of jewelry that is crafted by inlaying Gibeon Meteorite into rings made of materials such as titanium, Damascus steel, gold, or other precious or alternative metals. The Gibeon Meteorite used in our rings comes from a meteorite that formed in space four billion years ago. It exploded when it entered the Earth's atmosphere and scattered pieces in the desert of Namibia, Africa over an area that is 171 miles long and 62 miles wide.

When it comes to choosing the perfect wedding band, many grooms-to-be are on the hunt for something unique, meaningful, and truly out of this world. As the search for the ideal ring continues, one material has emerged as a cosmic frontrunner: meteorite. In this age of individuality and personal expression, meteorite wedding bands have gained popularity for their distinctive beauty and cosmic connection. But what exactly is meteorite, and why is it such a sought-after choice for men's wedding bands?

Meteorites are extraterrestrial fragments that have survived their journey through Earth's atmosphere, making them an extraordinary symbol of resilience and endurance – qualities that resonate deeply with the significance of marriage. These celestial remnants carry with them a sense of wonder and mystery, as they hold within their composition the secrets of the universe and the origins of our solar system. By choosing a meteorite wedding band, you're not only adorning your finger with a striking piece of jewelry but also wearing a small piece of the cosmos itself.

In addition to their remarkable appearance, meteorite rings offer a range of benefits that make them an appealing choice for the modern groom. Their durability and resistance to corrosion ensure that your wedding band will stand the test of time, just like your commitment to your partner. Furthermore, meteorite rings can be customized with various precious metals and gemstones, allowing you to create a piece that reflects your personal style and the bond you share with your significant other.

As you embark on this new chapter in your life, a meteorite wedding band serves as a constant reminder of the cosmic forces that brought you and your partner together. With its unique characteristics and captivating history, a meteorite ring is more than just a piece of jewelry – it's a testament to the enduring nature of love, and a symbol of the celestial connection that binds you both for eternity.

Meteorite Characteristics

Meteorites are composed of a variety of different materials, including iron, and nickel, making it incredibly durable and resistant to corrosion.

The Gibeon Meteorite is believed to have originated from the core of a planet or asteroid that was destroyed by a massive collision in space.

The natural patterns found on the surface of Gibeon Meteorite, known as Widmanstätten patterns, are formed over millions of years as the iron-nickel alloys within the meteorite cool and crystallize. This results in a captivating and unique design that can't be replicated by any man-made process, ensuring that each meteorite wedding band is truly one-of-a-kind. With every glance at your ring, you'll be reminded of the vastness of the universe and the incredible journey your love has taken to reach this momentous occasion.

Our skilled artisans carefully craft each ring to showcase the natural beauty and history of this ancient material, resulting in a piece of jewelry that is both timeless and extraordinary. and is composed of iron, nickel, cobalt, and other trace elements. The unique composition of meteorites makes them highly sought after by collectors and jewelry makers alike.

How to Tell if Your Meteorite Ring is Fake

  • The first way is to look for the Widmanstätten pattern. The Widmanstätten pattern is unique to each piece of meteorite. While there are some people out there who fake it, they generally don't look very good and compared to a real meteorite ring it is easy to see the pattern is fake.
  • The second way is to look for inclusions. As meteorite is natural it is not perfect and can have inclusions in it as shown below.
  • The third way is to check if a magnet is attracted to it. Real meteorite is mostly iron so magnets are attracted to it.
  • The fourth way is to look for rust. While ideally your meteorite ring should stay rust-free, if it does ever rust this is actually an additional sign that it is real meteorite. As meteorite is mostly iron it does have potential to rust.
  • This is why it should be kept away from harsh chemicals.

Meteorite Ring Benefits

The Benefits of Meteorite The Disadvantages of Meteorite
Unique and rare: Meteorite rings are made from extraterrestrial material, making them a one-of-a-kind piece of jewelry. Each ring has a distinct crystalline pattern, ensuring that no two rings are the same. Rusting potential: Meteorite rings contain a high amount of iron, making them prone to oxidization and rust. However, proper maintenance and protective layers can help prevent this issue.
Symbolic significance: Meteorite rings can represent the astronomical feat of finding the perfect partner, making them a meaningful choice for engagement or wedding bands. Care requirements: Meteorite rings require mindful care, including protecting the ring with wax or oil, avoiding submersion in water, and periodic cleaning with rubbing alcohol to prevent rusting.
Durability: Meteorite rings are made from strong and resistant materials, primarily metallic iron-nickel, which can withstand the tests of time when paired with hard metals like tungsten or titanium. Limited exposure to water: While meteorite rings are naturally rust-resistant, wearers should avoid excessive moisture whenever possible to maintain the ring's integrity.
Affordability: Despite being rarer than platinum, meteorite jewelry often comes with a modest price tag, ranging from $400 for thinner, single inlay rings to around $1,000 for precious metal meteorite rings. Safety concerns: Although meteorite rings are generally safe to wear, some people may worry about the safety of wearing jewelry made from outer space materials. However, as long as the meteorite is not fresh, it is safe to wear.

Caring for Your Meteorite Ring

Rust Resistance

In general, Gibeon meteorite should remain rust-free through normal use. Wearing the ring daily will actually transfer the natural oils in your skin to the meteorite which helps protect it. If rust does ever appear it can easily be removed and is covered by our Lifetime Warranty. The most important step to keeping your meteorite ring from rusting is to avoid any harsh chemicals or salt water. Applying mineral oil after cleaning the ring will also help protect the ring and keep it from rusting.

Maintaining Your Meteorite's Shine

Years of wear on your meteorite ring can cause the pattern on the meteorite to fade. The meteorite can be re-etched at any time though in order to make the Widmanstätten lines show again and make the meteorite look like new again. Re-etching is covered by our Lifetime Warranty. Meteorite can be cleaned with a mixture of baking soda and water by scrubbing it with a soft bristle toothbrush. Make sure it is dried thoroughly and dries overnight. Then put mineral oil on it to protect the meteorite.